Demócrata Annette Taddeo supera ligeramente al republicano José Félix Díaz en reñida contienda por el Senado estatal
26 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2017 8:39 PM
La empresaria demócrata Annette Taddeo superaba ligeramente al republicano José Félix Díaz en una reñida contienda electoral por el escaño al Senado estatal por el distrito 40.
Taddeo obtenía el 50.83% de los votos, mientras Díaz el 47.33%, con una mínima diferencia de 1,500 votos en la noche del martes, según los resultados preliminares del Departamento de Elecciones de Miami-Dade.
Mientras tanto, el republicano Daniel Anthony Perez se perfilaba como el ganador frente a la demócrata Gabriela Mayaudon con una amplia ventaja del 65% frente al 34% de su contrincante, para la curul por el Distrito 116.
Alvaro — Thanks to your support, we won an amazing victory tonight. I am proud to be your next State Senator. I would like to thank my opponent for running a hard-fought race. Our campaign was a strong coalition of grassroots supporters like you, the Florida Democratic Party and FDLCC, and labor and community organizations who unified behind a winning plan. I’m beyond thankful for all of your work and your efforts and the thousands of volunteers who committed their time, energy and resources. This was a community, grassroots driven effort and I am ready to continue the work in our state capitol. This is a victory for the residents of Senate District 40 as well. The voters wanted a champion in Tallahassee who will fight for higher paying jobs, affordable healthcare and fully funded public schools and I am honored and humbled that they have placed their faith and trust in me. Thank you to my family – especially my husband Eric and my daughter Sofia – for standing with me every step of the way. I pledge to work everyday for all of the families in our community – not the special interests. Thank you for everything you did to help us flip this seat. This is your victory. Your Senator in the fight, Annette Taddeo |