Obama endorsa a votar anticipadamente por Joe García




Joe García recibe la onda de South Florida Adhesiones


Miami, FL-Hoy, el ex congresista demócrata Joe García anunció una ola de respaldo de prominentes funcionarios elegidos sur de la Florida y los líderes de la comunidad. García recibió el refrendo de:

  • Comisionado del Condado de Miami Dade Daniella Levine-Cava
  • El senador estatal Dwight Bullard
  • Representante Estatal David Richardson
  • Key West Comisionado Sam Kaufman
  • Key West Comisionado Jimmy Weekley
  • Playa Comisionado de Miami Kristen Rosen González
  • El ex Alcalde Ted Islamorada Blackburn
  • El ex alcalde Ken Islamorada Philipson
  • El ex alcalde de Maratón Pete Worthington
  • Miami Beach demócratas presidente David Patlak
  • -Cubano Americana presidente del club Democrática Hector Caraballo
  • Miami Dade Jóvenes Demócratas
  • El centro demócratas

«Estoy orgulloso del impulso y apoyo a nuestra campaña ha ganado anterior al día de la elección», dijo el ex congresista Joe García, candidato a la Florida del 26 de distrito del Congreso. «Hemos recibido el apoyo del sur de la Florida y los líderes nacionales porque entender lo que está en juego y que alguien en el Congreso que va a luchar del lado de los trabajadores, estudiantes, personas mayores, veteranos y todos los residentes de la Florida del Sur que están trabajando para salir adelante «.


Estas anotaciones se suman a la ya impresionante lista de García de partidarios, que incluyen Barack Obama, Sierra Club, Planificación de la Familia, SAVE, la AFL-CIO, SEIU, la Alianza de Americanos Jubilados y muchos más. Los líderes de los partidos y de la comunidad que han respaldado García estará llegando a la campaña electoral de muñón para él, dando inicio a la puerta-a-puerta de eventos comunitarios, alojamiento de recaudación de fondos y hablar con los medios de comunicación acerca de la importancia de elegir a Joe García al Congreso.


En el Congreso, García entregó para su distrito. Él cortó con éxito las tasas de préstamos estudiantiles para los estudiantes, que tienen ya cayó a su punto más bajo en 10 años . Joe era también un defensor de agua limpia y el medio ambiente, habiendo obtenido $ 200 millones para la restauración de los Everglades y un adicional de $ 2 millones en fondos para la mejora de la calidad del agua. Él también tuvo éxito en la obtención de fondos federales para lacapacitación para el trabajo en el sur de la Florida y para proyectos de transporte local .


Barack Obama Endorses Joe Garcia for Congress

MIAMI, FL — Today, the Joe Garcia for Congress campaign proudly announces Barack Obama’s endorsement:

“I’m proud to endorse Joe Garcia for the United States House of Representatives,” said Barack Obama. “Over the last eight years, we’ve made tremendous strides towards making our nation safer, stronger, and fairer, but it’s clear that to continue this progress, we need to send more commonsense leaders like Joe back to Congress to get things done for the middle class. Joe is a champion for South Florida families and isn’t afraid to take on the tough fights, like defending a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions, protecting Social Security and Medicare, making sure we keep our sacred promises to our nation’s veterans and their families, and addressing the crushing burden of student loan debt felt by so many Florida students and families. Joe is the kind of tough and smart leader who will build on all we’ve accomplished and take our nation forward, and that’s why I know South Floridians can count on Joe Garcia.”

“I was proud to serve alongside Barack Obama, both in his administration and as a Democratic member of Congress and today I’m honored to receive his endorsement,” said Joe Garcia, candidate for Florida’s 26th Congressional District. “Barack Obama has spent the past eight years doing the right thing. He has stood up for the immigrant community, for women, for students and for our seniors. And, in Washington I’ll work to expand on Obama’s vision for our country so that every South Floridian can get ahead and stay ahead.”




Joe Garcia served South Florida in Congress from 2013 to 2015.  He is currently running for election against Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo in a Congressional District that has been redrawn and favors Democrats. National and local Democrats have invested heavily in Garcia, with the DCCC placing over $5 million in television and radio ads that are currently running in the district.  Joe Garcia is beating Curbelo in the most recent poll.


Joe Garcia Champions Hillary Clinton’s Vision for America in Opening Remarks at FIU Rally with Vice Presidential Candidate Tim Kaine


Miami, FL- Today, former Democratic Congressman Joe Garcia gave opening remarks during a Clinton-Kaine campaign rally in CD26 at Florida International University. In the remarks, Garcia emphasized his support for Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine’s vision for America and said he would work in Congress to turn that vision into a reality.


“I’m proud to be a Democrat and I’m proud to support Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton,” said Joe Garcia, candidate for Florida’s 26th congressional district. “Today, I received the endorsement of our leader Barack Obama, and in Washington, I will stand beside our next President and Vice-President, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine to help build on the progress we’ve made.»


The Garcia campaign has been working hand-in-hand with the Clinton campaign in South Florida to stand firm against divisiveness and extremism, and to send Joe Garcia and Hillary Clinton to Washington.


In his remarks, Garcia said “we need an administration that respects women, that invests in its young, and that looks forward because we are the greatest country in the history of the world and we’ll continue to be.”


Prior to making his opening remarks today, Garcia received the endorsement of Barack Obama for his work supporting the his agenda over the last 8 years. Garcia hopes to continue his work in Congress with the next administration as well, and has stated he will fight for major reform that grows the economy without leaving the working and middle class behind.


Carlos Curbelo still refuses to back Hillary Clinton or to disclose who he is voting for.  Curbelo, like Trump has called Social Security a Ponzi Schemerefuses to release his secret lobbying client list, voted to shut down the government to defund Planned Parenthood and has environmental views that are out of touch with South Florida voters, including offshore oil drilling and relinquishing National Park Service protections for Biscayne National Park and handing control of a national marine reserve to Governor Scott.




Joe Garcia served South Florida in Congress from 2013 to 2015.  He is currently running for election against Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo in a Congressional District that has been redrawn and favors Democrats. National and local Democrats have invested heavily in Garcia, with the DCCC placing over $5 million in television and radio ads that are currently running in the district.  Joe Garcia is beating Curbelo in the most recent poll.



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